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Stridsvagn m/31 (Landsverk L-10)


The Stridsvagn m/31 was designed and build by Swedish Landsverk in 1932. A total of only three were made, which served with the Swedish army from 1935 to 1940 as trial vehicles.

By the time of its design, it was a very advanced tank, capable of going up against any other medium tank. It suffered from poor reliability, however, so when World War 2 broke out, the three tanks were dug in as static bunkers.

Technical Details

Stridsvagn m/31 (Landsverk L-10)
Crew 4
Physical Characteristics
Weight 11.5 t
Length 5.2 m
Width 2 m
Height 2.22 m
Armour (range) 8-24 mm
Speed (max) 40 km/h
Engine Maybach DSO 8
Net h.p. 150
Primary weapon 37 mm Bofors (1)
Secondary weapon ksp m/14-29 (1)


Stridsvagn m/31
Stridsvagn m/31
Stridsvagn m/31 in the Swedish armour museum in Axvall
Stridsvagn m/31 in the Swedish armour museum in Axvall

Further Reading


  1. Panzermuséet. Stridsvagn m/40L [online]. [Used 2007-02-09]. Available from internet at <>.